112 pages of jammed packed information to help your Business STAY OPEN!
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1. An introduction to Project Stay Open, Who We Are, Our Mission

2. What is a Public Accommodation

3. What You as a Business Owner/Operator Need to Know, Your Un-alien-able Ri.ghts

4. A Complete Business Owner/Operator Overview, The Facts at A Glance

5. The Truth About OSHA, A Complete List of the Violations OSHA Has Committed and How They Affect your business, Burden of Proof

6. Duns and Bradstreet, Did You Know About the Corporations and Their Contracts 

7. Lawful v. Legal, What you really need to know  

8. What Does the Science Say, A Brief Synopsis of Science

9. Tools to STAY OPEN: How to Take Action; No Trespass, Window Postings, Cease and Desist, Rescission, Dialogue Scripts, Waiver For Employers, Constructive Notice, Affidavit

10. Conclusion